WARNING: This Could Get Emotional …

I’m not really an emotional person, and talking about ‘feelings’ and smooshie stuff (yes, that is a word) is not something that comes naturally, but today will be a special day where I let the inner girl in me take over. Why? Because last Friday was one of my best friend’s and co-writer of this blog’s 18th birthday. That’s right, she’s now officially an adult which is both scary and quite frankly, hilarious.


Which leads us to the emotional stuff. Katie is a lover of all things emotional, and I’ve already managed to make her cry with one of my presents which I think is an achievement (they were happy tears by the way … I think), so I’m going to attempt to do it again.

First things first, she’s a pretty amazing person. I don’t think I know anyone else who is so genuinely caring about everything. I remember a group of our friends going round to her house one day after school and then finding her crying in her kitchen because one of them was having a bit of a strop and she thought it was all her fault.


I don’t think I appreciated this quality in her as much as I did last year, when I had to drop out of college because of a virus. The majority of friends stayed in contact for a little while, but after a few months, just stopped calling or texting, while Katie was constantly checking up on me, including me in things and even coming all the way round to my house when I cried to her on the phone. So Katie, for that, I really want to say thank you. Not only for being such a caring, loving friend when I really needed one, but for not giving up on me like everyone else.


I really feel blessed to have Katie in my life. She’s so different to all of my other school friends, who always seem to be talking about who’s going to get drunk at the weekend, and who’s sleeping with who. She holds high morals, doesn’t get molded into how people expect her to be, and is the only person I can have a conversation about Postman Pat with. She never fails to make me smile every single day, and I can guarantee that in 50 years time, we’ll still meet up and laugh about the time that James fell off his chair when she threw a glue stick at him.


So Katie, happy birthday, and in 50 years, we better still be doing our Halloween tradition …

(P.S. And Katie, assuming you’ll show this to your mum, hey Mummy Bullock! I love you just as equally and thank you for bringing up such and such an amazing daughter)
